We are excited to announce the Canada Fast Track Restart promotion! This means that ALL Canadian Social Marketers who join by September 30th and have a high title or paid title of Senior Team Leader or below in the September 2020 bonus month will be eligible to participate in the Canada Fast Track Restart!
Q- When does the Canada Fast Track Bonus Restart Promotion begin?
A- It starts October 1, 2020 and runs until Dec 31, 2020.
Q- What is the Fast Track Bonus Restart?
A- The Canada Fast Track Restart is designed to reward Social Marketers who are looking to reset and hit the ground running again! By achieving the builder titles during the 4th Quarter of 2020, a Social Marketer can multiply their Monthly Team Builder Bonus. Learn more about the current Fast Track Bonus tiers here.
Q- Who qualifies for this restart?
A- Month 1 is usually based on a Social Marketers enrollment date. However, for this Canadian promotion all Canada Social Marketers who are at Senior Team Leader and below (high title or paid title) at the close of September 2020 bonus month can take part. All Canadian Social Markters who are eligible will have October 2020 count as their Month 1.
Q- What if I already earned some of these bonuses as a new Canadia Social Marketer? Can I earn them again if I am still at the high title or paid title of Senior Team Leader or below when September 2020 bonus month closes?
A- Yes! you can earn these again!
Q- How are the bonuses calculated for this promotion?
A- The Canda Fast Track Restart bonuses are calculated as a percentage of the Monthly Team Builder Bonus earned, up to paid title Director 1. Month 1 requires a SM to meet the Team Leader Team Builder Bonus payout or higher, Month 2 requires a SM to meet the Senior Team Leader Team Builder Bonus payout or higher and Month 3 requires a SM to meet the Director 1 Team Builder Bonus or higher.
Q-Will this restart impact any other bonuses or commissions or will it change my start date with Modere?
A- No it will not. This is simply a restart promotion that will not change or impact any other current promotions.
Q- How is this paid out?
A- This promotional bonus is paid in your monthly commission. It will show up in your commission statement under Commission Adjustment: Market CA and not in the 3 Month Fast Track: Market CA commission statement line.
Q- What if I qualify at a higher title than I need to earn the bonus?
A-Qualifying as a new Director 1 or higher for the Team Builder Bonus in October, November, and December, a Social Marketer can earn a total of at least CAD $5,850.00 through this promotion reset in addition to your Team Builder Bonus. You also earn your other bonsues paid through the Modere Career Path.
Q- What other qualifications are needed for me to qualify for this promotional bonus?
A- For this promotion, you only need to meet the Team Builder Bonus qualifications for Team Leader, Senior Team Leader or Director 1 in order to earn in this exciting promotion. If you are a new Social Marketer in Canada that joins on October 1, 2020 or after, you are bound by the rules found in the Canada Complensation Plan for the 3 Month Fast Track bonus.