When Cheryl Ann Healey joined Modere, it was as if a light had been switched on in her life.
“When Modere came into my life I was truly at a crossroads personally and professionally. I had experienced an extremely serious health crisis, my marriage was falling apart and I was disillusioned in my career. Modere was my safe place to land – and RISE,” she said.
Cheryl hadn’t been looking for opportunities when Modere came up. She was never called or recruited. But because of an unrelated referral, Cheryl happened to meet Modere Social Marketer Cindy Yealland. Cindy and Cheryl hit it off immediately. At the time, Cheryl was involved in a party-based business, so like a good consultant, Cheryl gave Cindy a catalogue and asked her if she’d be interested in a party. In turn, Cindy asked Cheryl if she wanted to see more Modere products. Cheryl was impressed with Modere. At the time, the company was already almost 30 years old and had proven itself to be versatile and adaptable. Modere’s tried-and-true products were high quality–and Social Marketers could earn some of those products for free every single month! Cheryl was instantly hooked.
Once Cheryl became a Social Marketer, her broken life began to heal. “When I found Modere, I was exhausted and depleted on every level,” she explained. “I tried to serve, but how do you pour from an empty cup? I was a mess. Looking back over 2.5 years… I was the one that was served. Modere served ME, with acceptance, belief, love, support, training, systems, events…I started filling up, and I continue to learn how to serve in a healthy way from the example and guidance of the amazing people here I admire, respect and aspire to be like.”
In addition to a great support system and amazing company culture, Cheryl began noticing the other ways that Modere improved her life. The ability to create her own schedule was empowering, and it allowed her to spend more time with her daughter. “Being a Social Marketer with Modere allows me to be truly present with her [my daughter]. I can totally work around my own schedule. I just attended a trip as a parent volunteer with her kindergarten class to the pumpkin patch earlier this week – I would never have been able to do that before!” she said.
As her career as a Modere Social Marketer grew, Cheryl thrived. She continued to network, and working at Modere part-time helps her support her family as a single mother. Cheryl even helped with the premarketing and the launch of Modere in Canada, alongside her old friend Cindy Yealland, who had originally introduced her to Modere. Together, they continue to support the quickly growing Canadian market.
So what’s the secret to Cheryl’s success? She says it’s in Modere’s business model. “I LOVE that our Social Retail model is based on the habits that most people do naturally every day anyways, like connecting with each other and sharing online,” she says. Cheryl loves how the company’s business model is also built around its commitment to living greener and cleaner. The business is more sustainable that way, and it’s ahead of its time for aligning with global initiatives to help protect the planet. Because of the company’s business model, Cheryl was able to quickly share Modere products, and she’s now a Platinum Social Marketer.
Cheryl has worked hard to achieve her Platinum Elite 2 status. She’s proud of her achievements, but she emphasized that her progress can be duplicated by everyone who has a vision. At Modere, “it doesn’t matter where you’ve been; it matters where you want to go,” she said. “All the tools are here for you to succeed.” The tools that Modere provides are available for everyone who wants to join. One of the biggest tools for success is Modere’s compensation plan. “The compensation plan is dynamic,” Cheryl explained. “And the products are second to none. The guidance and wisdom imparted by our leadership is just beyond helpful and valuable.” Cheryl utilizes all of those tools to help build her team’s supportive culture. To capitalize on Modere’s compensation plan and high-quality products, she’s started implementing “ATM Power Hours,” where her whole team dedicates a few hours a week to intense marketing.
Cheryl’s team has been highly successful so far, and she doesn’t see that stopping anytime soon. As they prepare to celebrate the anniversary of launching Modere in Canada, Cheryl sees more growth and progress in Modere’s future. “This company is just getting started!” she said. “I am so happy I am here NOW, in the beginning. I don’t want to rush time, but I just can’t wait to see where we are next year, in a few years, in a few decades!”