ESCAPE QUALIFICATION PERIOD: March 1, 2020 – August 31, 2020
(Updated as of September 10, 2020).
Announcing the Escape Celebration!
In addition to the luxury swag boxes for all Escape qualifiers, we’ll also be holding a special virtual celebration! Join us Novemer 12, 2020 at 7 PM MT for an evening of fun and games, with special guest Jason Hewlett! More details coming soon!
Announcement Regarding In-Person Modere Events
Every year, our annual, regional and seasonal events bring amazing opportunities to reconnect with our top Modere leaders and to greet new and up and coming Social Marketers. It’s a powerful way to share our vision for the future that we are building together throughout the year. In 2020 however, we’ve experienced new challenges to our usual way of doing things.
Given the existing concerns around COVID-19 and the ongoing guidance from the CDC, as well as difficulties affecting travel between international borders and the varying travel guidelines by individual state governments, we have made the difficult decision to move all North America in-person events occurring from now through the first half of 2021 onto a virtual platform.
This was a tough call to make, but our priority is the health and safety of our incredible field, employees, and all who help to make our in-person events so successful, and it’s our goal to always provide the best experience possible. While we explored other ways to keep the in-person component of our events intact, it is important for Modere to host inclusive events that are accessible to all who may otherwise be unable to participate under the current circumstances.
Please watch for additional details of our plans in the coming weeks. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and understanding as we plan and prepare to make our upcoming Modere events the most valuable experiences possible.
This decision has impacted the 2020 Escape Trip to Los Cabos, Mexico. Please review the updated FAQ regarding rewards and options for Escape qualifiers.
2020 Escape FAQS
Congratulations on all your hard work and for earning the 2020 Escape Trip!
I missed the Escape Zoom. Can I watch the replay?
Yes! Watch the replay HERE.
Due to the cancelation of the Escape trip to Mexico, what are the options for qualifiers?
There are two options for qualifiers:
- Deferment. You may confirm a spot on the next Escape trip.
- Receive an Escape Bonus and bonus Escape qualification points for the next trip. See details below.
How do I notify Modere if I am taking the Escape Bonus, plus 15,000 points or deferring towards the next Modere Escape Trip.
Please click on the Escape survey link here.
How will the Escape Bonus work?
The Escape Bonus will be paid out to all qualified Social Marketers based on their total points earned during the qualification period. If the Escape Bonus is selected, each qualifier will also receive 15,000 points towards the next Escape. Escape Bonuses are based on a Social Marketers final point total. Below are these different Escape Bonus tiers:
75,000 – 149,000 credits – $600 USD/ $790 CAD
150,000 – 174,000 credits – $1,000 USD/ $1322 CAD
175,000+ credits – $1,500 USD/ $1977 CAD
When will my Escape Bonus be paid?
You will receive your Escape Bonus on or before November 16, 2020. The earlier a selection is made; the earlier your Escape Bonus will be paid out to you.
What if I choose to not take the Escape Bonus?
If a qualifier does not want the Escape Bonus, he/she can choose to defer to the next Modere Escape Trip. This means that he/she automatically receives accommodations for two. Any additional room upgrades, and airfare will still need to be earned.
Can I transfer my Escape Bonus to another Social Marketer?
Modere Escape Bonuses cannot be transferred or given to another Social Marketer.
When will I need to notify Modere if I will take the Escape Bonus and 15,000 points towards the next Modere Escape Trip or defer to the next Escape Trip?
All qualifiers MUST notify Modere of their choice no later than November 16, 2020.
What if I decide I want the Escape Bonus, but then decide I want to defer to the next Escape Trip (or vice versa), can I do this?
Once a Social Marketer has selected the Escape Bonus or deferment, the qualified Social Marketer is unable to change their selection. All selections are final. If you do not notify Modere by Nov. 16th of your decision, Modere will automatically apply the Escape Bonus towards my next commission check.
Has the next Modere Escape Trip been determined?
Dates and venue of the next trip have not yet been finalized.
What other incentives will Modere be offering for each 2020 Escape Qualifier?
All qualifiers will receive a custom Escape Swag Box. These will be shipped to all qualifiers prior to November 11, 2020. All qualifiers are invited to the Escape Celebration event to be held November 12th and will feature games, prizes, and comedic keynote speaker, Jason Hewlett! More info to come!
Will my guest also receive the custom Escape Swag Box?
Escape Swag boxes are ONLY for the qualified Social Marketer Account. If there is a co-applicant on the qualified account, then two of each Escape Swag will be sent.