Work hard… get paid TODAY!
Exciting, right?! Being compensated so quickly after a sale generates excitement and creates huge momentum! Have additional questions? Check out our FAQs below.
Beginning May 5, 2020 Daily Pay will be based on your CURRENT month’s Promoter title. This means that you start each month at the Promoter level, earning 10% on your customer orders,** and as you go throughout the month making sales and your Promoter Rank increases, so does your Daily Pay percentage. As always, at the end of each month, we check all your Daily Pay commissions and “true them up” to the percentage that corresponds with your final Promoter Title. That adjustment is added onto your monthly commission payment.
How often does Daily Pay run?
Daily Pay will pay twice a day on ALL customer orders and the first orders of new Social Marketers. Daily Pay will now process two times a day, at 5 AM MT and 5 PM MT.
When are orders processed?
Orders processed between 3 AM MT and 3 PM MT pay out same day at 5 PM MT. Orders processed between 3 PM MT and 3 AM MT are paid 5 AM MT the next day.
What do you mean by “all customer orders?”
This includes a new customer’s first order, an existing customer’s orders, AND a customer’s SmartShip orders! ALL customer orders from your own personal customer pod will be paid daily. Please note this applies only to orders processed in the US and CA markets. All international orders will be commissioned with your monthly payment.
Will I get paid based on my previous Promoter title?
No. Beginning May 5, 2020 Daily Pay will be based on your CURRENT month’s Promoter title. This means that you start each month at the Promoter level, earning 10% on your customer orders**, and as you go throughout the month making sales, and your Promoter Rank increases, so does your Daily Pay percentage. As always, at the end of each month, we check all your Daily Pay commissions and “true them up” to the percentage that corresponds with your final Promoter Title. That adjustment is added onto your monthly commission payment.
Will I still get Daily Pay if my SmartShip hasn’t run for the month yet?
Yes. As long as you qualified in the previous month, you will still earn Daily Pay, even if your current month’s SmartShip hasn’t run.*
Is Daily Pay based on the dollar amount or the point value of an order?
Daily Pay is based on the CV (Commissionable Value) points of an order.
What is the percentage I’ll earn for Daily Pay, based on my current month’s rank?

Is there a Daily Pay cap?
No. You will earn all commissions that are calculated on eligible orders. If you have more than 10 eligible orders in a day, or transactions that exceed $150 per order, you may experience a slight delay in payment. You will be notified by email of any delays.
Will orders received between the 1st and the 4th of each month be paid out on the morning of the 5th?
Yes, they will be paid out on the morning of the 5th.
What will be paid out in the Monthly Commission now?
Remember that the Daily Pay is a pre-payment of your Customer POD Bonuses and First Order Bonuses. The final calculations are included in the Monthly Commission. Differences in Customer POD, Promoter Development, Monthly Team Builder, Generational Unilevel, 4 & More Elite, and Leadership Development Bonuses are adjusted in the Monthly Commission process.
What happens if a customer’s order is cancelled or returned?
Cancelled or returned customer orders are calculated in the Monthly Commission process. Any Daily Pay amounts that were paid on cancelled or returned orders will be deducted from the Monthly Commission payment.
When can a new Social Marketer start earning Daily Pay?
Immediately. A new Social Marketer is eligible to earn Customer POD Bonuses and First Order Bonuses. Social Marketers must be personally qualified and have a valid Modere MyPay account to receive Daily Payments.
If I’m an existing Social Marketer and I did not have a Promoter title last month, do I get Daily Pay on my customer orders this month?
As long as you were commission qualified last month or are already commission qualified in the current month (150 AP or 75 point SS), then yes, you will earn daily pay when your customer orders.
*Please remember that all daily payments are pre-payments of your monthly commissions. If you do not qualify for commissions in the current month (your SmartShip doesn’t process), your Daily Payments received in the previous month must be paid back to Modere.
** You must be commission qualified in the previous calendar month or the current month to receive daily pay.