Promotional Period
- June 1st, 2019 through January 31st, 2020
Promotional Announcement
Promotional Outline
Modere North America is excited to announce the launch of the Team Builder Accelerator Bonus. This promotional bonus has the potential to double the Team Builder Bonus and continue to fuel explosive growth in North America.
For first time achievers of Director 1 through Elite 3 titles during the months of June 1, 2019 through January 31, 2020, Modere will be matching your qualifying Team Builder Bonus* with the Team Builder Accelerator Bonus of 50%!
In addition, if this rank advancement to Director 1 through Elite 3 title is achieved within your first six months of enrollment, Modere will pay an additional 50% of the qualifying Team Builder Bonus on top of the Team Builder Accelerator bonus!

*The Team Builder Accelerator bonus will be calculated based on your qualified Team Builder Bonus rank. For example- if you qualified for Director 3, but earned a Director 1 Team Builder Bonus, the Accelerator payment will be based on the Director 1 TBB.
Why are we implementing this bonus?
The main goals of the Team Builder Accelerator are to:
- Increase SM enrollments
- Increase SM enroller base
- Create momentum by helping SMs achieve new Builder titles
Who can earn the Team Builder Accelerator?
- First-time achievers of the Team Builder Bonus at the Director 1 to Elite 3 builder titles
Can these Accelerators be earned more than once?
- While the regular Team Builder Bonus can be earned every single month, the promotion Accelerator bonus can only be earned once per each newly achieved title from Director 1 to Elite 3.
Is the Accelerator Bonus available to Canadian SMs?
- Yes
When is the promotional period?
- From June 1st to 2019 to January 31st, 2020
If I join after the 15th of the month, does rollover apply for this bonus?
- Rollover works the same with this bonus. For example – if you enroll between December 15 – 31, 2018, January 2019 would be considered your “Month 1”, and June 2019 would be considered your “Month 6”.
What if I advance(d) before or after the promotional period?
- We congratulate you on your advancement and achievement! However, any advancement outside of the promotional window does not qualify you for the Accelerator.
Can these Accelerator promotional bonuses be stacked?
- Yes. If you advance more than one title in a month, the Accelerator bonuses for all qualifying titles will be paid together. If you advance more than one title in your first six months, all applicable bonuses will be paid together. For example, if you were to pass Director 1 and Director 2 TBB ranks and go directly to Director 3 and you were in your first six months, you would be paid a total of $4,250 USD / $5,525 CAD.
Can these Accelerator promotional bonuses be stacked (cont’d)?
The regular Team Builder Bonus pays every single month only at the title achieved and does not stack if two titles are achieved in a single month.
Regular Team Builder Bonus
- Director 3 – $1,500 USD / $1,950 CAD
Accelerator for first-time achievement
- Director 1 – $250 USD / $325 CAD
- Director 2 – $375 USD / $488 CAD
- Director 3 – $750 USD / $975 CAD
Accelerator for first six months in the business
- Director 1 – $250 USD / $325 CAD
- Director 2 – $375 USD / $488 CAD
- Director 3 – $750 USD / $975 CAD
Does the Accelerator bonus pay based on builder title or TBB qualified rank?
- The Team Builder Accelerator bonus will be calculated based on your qualified Team Builder Bonus rank. For example- if you qualified for Director 3, but earned a Director 1 Team Builder Bonus, the Accelerator payment will be based on the Director 1 TBB.
What if I achieve a title that I have hit previously, and I am in my first six months?
- We congratulate you on your advancement and achievement! However, you would not be eligible for the Accelerator promotional bonus because it would not be the first time that you achieved the builder title.
In Canada, can the Team Builder Accelerator promotional bonus be earned in conjunction with the Canadian Fast Track Bonus?
- The Canadian Fast Track bonus is earned at the Team Leader, Senior Team Leader and Director 1 positions. If both the Canadian Fast Track Bonus and the Team Builder Accelerator bonus are both earned at the Director 1 position, the higher of the two will be paid out but not both.
How will the Leadership Development Bonus affect the Team Builder Accelerator payouts to Elites?
- Elite 1, Elite 2 & Elite 3 Social Marketers will earn either the Leadership Development Bonus (LDB) or the Team Builder Bonus, whichever is greatest. For Elite 1 and higher your Team Builder Bonus may be affected by the Leadership Development Bonus cap, however the Accelerator bonuses will be paid out unaffected by the LDB cap. For additional details on LDB, please refer to the Modere Compensation Plan.